First of all, I love everything I do, is my passion and what commands my life. Being creative and multitasker is an important part of me. Curiosity and passion for knowledge is my everyday breakfast. I'm in love with nature and this is basically the concept I use.

Since child, my parents gave me the best they could ever: my sister, colours and books.
I have an addiction for culture, literature and poetry, movies and music, which made me selective in everything, because the brain is like a plant, you need to gave it the best nutrients, sun and water for keeping it alive and growing.
When you stop learning and asking about the world, the society, the reality in which we live, you are dying.

For being someone you need to have strong basis, passion and dreams, even if everybody thinks that trying to change the world is a waste of time.
I love to share knowledge and interests, thats why education is so important to me, and of course I've been a teacher in diferent schools and universities, as well as conferencist. The more you teach the more you know.

Sometimes I could be so passionate in a project that I could stay for days without sleeping just for seeing an excellent result, I'm a little bit perfectionist.
I admire people that has given something to change my life, I admire people who fight for goals and keep dreaming.

Something that worries me is the culture and the media, I mean, I'm colombian, I'm from a country that has so much corruption, a fact that destroys every society and leads to violence and inequality. We need more information and technology, not soap operas, fancy reality shows and overrated self called colombian neostars. Sadly, for technology people understand having a Blackberry and an twitter account, thats not intelligent, thats consumism disguised as progress.
I've seen a lot of cases in my carreer that really hurt my heart: massacres, forced exile of peasants, HIV decayed patients, violence agains woman and destroyed families, and the conclusion is that not just the goverment has to do something, the media has to change and re-sensitize our society. How? Through education.

I am a journalist, graphic designer, programmer and multimedia artist.
I’m Creative, innovative, self-educated and able to work in small or large groups, delegating work and follow directions, as well as experimenting with available resources in favor of ideas; I like to propose and implement alternative, innovative and impactful projects.

I always look for quality.

I have worked as the project manager of social interactivity where I implemented alternative strategies based on communication and education processes applied in different media environments.

I firmly believe that education and culture are the foundation of an efficient society, that’s why I've been in all my projects an analyst of the use of new technologies, habits and effects over different socio-cultural areas.

The image is an universal language, so I spent most of my studies in creating multimedia communication projects, which I have effectively applied in the workplace.

I have passion for arts and technology, that's why I’m mainly into digital enviroment, and is in this area where I had the chance to be producing informational, visual, recreational and business messages for the WEB.

As part of my career in graphic design, I was director of editorial production departments, online publications and electronic publications, mainly in alternative and independent media.

I’m always seeking for effectively mix virtual media and journalism, career that has allowed me to mix my communication, research and artistic skills towards innovation, education and productivity.




Meet The Author